Hello, welcome to my personal hell.

I'm Kooki, a small and arguementative little prick on the internet.

About ME.

In all honesty I'm very self-absorbed so get ready for a speech.
The basic stuff first, I'm 17, I'm a transman, and I have more OCs than I have braincells. I have a slight obsession with storytelling, and a reoccuring fixation on Undertale and Deltarune. I am easaly distractable and suspect I may have ADHD, as it would explain a lot of things from over the years.
I like playing video games, drawing, and watching youtube videos for an ungodly amount of hours at a time! Other than that, I also like pixel art, gemology, tarot cards, and other artsy and craftsy things.

I'm inactive basically everywhere because of school and a project I'm doing (Dread Not, it's my pride and joy at the moment), but i do reblog stuff on tumblr occassionally. I don't use instagram or twitter anymore, but, if you want to reach me, twitter and tumblr DMs are your best bet.

Things I like.

I'm a big fan of RPG games, like Yume Nikki, Off, the aformentioned Undertale and Deltarune, and others, like Mad Father, Witch's House, Misao, One Shot, and many Yume Nikki Fangames. I got obsessed with Omori recently, too! Games that aren't in that ganre that I enjoy are Hollow Knight, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Skullgirls, Portal 2, and others.
When it comes to shows, I usually stick to western animation, like Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Infinity Train, Star vs The Forces Of Evil etc. Other older shows I enjoy are The Moomins and Code Lyoko, the latter of which shaped most of my childhood.
Outside of that, I used to be a big fan of Homestuck, and I'm afraid it did influence me a lot into becoming who I am now. However, due to recent developments of the Homestuck Franchise, I would rather not associate with it much.

Things I make.

I like drawing, maybe a little too much. I mostly do traditional art, but I also like drawing digitally from time to time. I'm working on a relatively big project (it's called Dread Not please check it out), so I don't have time to constantly draw stuff that's worth posting. Here's some of the more recent stuff that I feel is worth sharing, though.

Characters I like.

This list is a bit extensive, so if you would rather skip it, or only skim through it, feel free to!

Technically the villain of Undertale, I love Asgore's character, and I think he deserves so much more love than he gets, either in-game or from the fandom.

This one, practically nonexistant character, has eaten up so much of my time because of speculation and and making leaps in the dark over what his deal is. I can rattle off any trivia about him, no matter how insignificant.

This man is awful but goddamn it I love watching him do his thing. Although there isn't much to go off of, his characterization is fascinating to me, and I like speculating how his fucked up thought process works.

Ah. There he is. That asshole. What a tool. I first found out about homestuch when i was like 9 (thank, sis), and ever since i first saw him, I have been obsessed with this grumpy fish boy. Now, I'm less infatuated with him, he more just... makes me feel pleasantly nostalgic. It's weird.

I was big into cookie run for a while, until the game got so many interface changes I couldn't play it without lag anymore... Anyway, Dark Choco and his ballerino boyfriend will always hold a special place in my heart, even if they aren't canon.

Dark Choco for me basically comes pre-packaged with Whipped Cream, so both of them have earned a spot on my favourites list. Also, Whipped Cream is really fun to draw.

Good golly, I can't describe to you how much of an impact on my artstyle Spinel has had ever since I saw the Steven Universe Movie. Her backstory made me sob like a baby, and her sound design is still my favourite for any character, ever.

I've loved her design since the moment I first watched "The Answer", and I was pleasantly surprised when it was revealed she was an artist too! How nice! 10/10, I know she's a background character but that never stopped me.

Even before his backstory was fully revealed and clear to me, I liked Hordak the best out of the whole She-Ra cast. What can I say, i have a Very Clear Type.